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Dry Skin Remedies for Painless Shaving Experience

Shaving With Dry Skin

When you are suffering from dry skin, the world can seem like a terrible place. Dry skin is itchy and hurtful. Sometimes it cracks and bleeds. At its best, it is annoying. At its worst, it is debilitating. Shaving with a dry skin condition can be a painful experience. You've probably tried lotions galore, but have you found lasting relief? 


What is Dry Skin?

Dry skin occurs when moisture disappears from its outer layer, a condition also known as xerosis cuties. The name comes from the Greek word “xero,” which means dry.

Dry skin is often something that you just have and will have for life, but there are ways to manage it so you're not always itching and not always applying lotions. Dermatologists may be able to help by suggesting prescription medications, but there are plenty of home remedies that could do the trick as well.


Use Coconut, Almond, and Sunflower Seed Oils

Dry skin has gaps between the cells that used to hold fatty lipids. Oils penetrate the top skin layer and pad these empty spaces. When you apply the oils to dry skin, it will absorb quickly. 

Coconut oil is antifungal, antibacterial, and deeply moisturizing. In fact, studies have shown coconut oil to be more effective than petroleum jelly. Since coconut oil has saturated fatty acids it works especially well on parched skin. 

Almond oil nourishes and revitalizes, but it also lightens skin, which is great for fading shaving scars and marks. The fatty acids help your skin retain moisture and heal chapped irritated skin.

Sunflower seed oil makes a great moisturizing aid because it contains a high concentration of vitamin E that protects the skin from the sun's UV rays. It is best applied liberally after a shower or bath to let it sink in properly. 


Reduce Dry Heat with Humidity

Think humidity and warmth, not neat. Heat dries out the skin, and worse than heat is the dry heat we all know from our HVAC during wintertime. Decrease your exposure to dry heat by turning your heater at home to a lower temperature. Just a degree or two could make a big difference.

It's often not the cold temperatures, but the lack of humidity that irritates dry skin and makes it worse in the winter months. To increase the humidity, simply run a humidifier.

When you wash your hand, face or shower, don't use hot water. Instead, use cold or warm water, especially before and after shaving. 


Friction Is Bad for Dry Skin

Don't wipe, but dab your skin dry. Rubbing or wiping your skin on a towel creates friction and can further irritate your already irritated skin. Sure, there will always be some friction when shaving, and to reduce the effects, you may use a warm towel to cover your face for a few minutes to let the warm vapor moisturize and relax the skin. Again, do not rub your face with the towel, as we all have the habit of dragging towels down our face.


Use Skin Products with Little or No Scent

Sometimes a remedy doesn't mean adding something but taking something away. Added fragrances can irritate sensitive skin, and are in so many things. Check your hand soap, face wash, lotion, etc. Eliminating or reducing these from your skin care routine can make a big difference to your dry skin. 


Eat a Proper Diet

This one is a little trickier, but your diet can affect your skin as well. You don't have to have a full-on allergy to be sensitive to certain foods. You could see the evidence of food sensitivity appear, not through upset stomachs or rashes, but through your dry skin. Alternately, an overall healthy diet filled with nutrient-rich foods and the proper amounts of fat, carbohydrate, and protein will contribute to your overall health, including the health of your skin.


Drink Lots of Water

Your body needs water to survive, but most people don't get enough of it. Drinking water will hydrate your entire body and will help your skin to remain moisturized throughout the day. Drinking water, like eating a proper diet, is simply a good habit to have. Not only will your skin be healthier, but your entire body will function on a higher level.


Try Shaving Products for Sensitive Skin

Our natural shaving soaps contain coconut oil and almond oil, and the natural aftershave balms contain sunflower seed oil among other natural ingredients that help soothe and moisturize the skin for a better pre-shave and post-shave experience. They have a faint scent and are tested thoroughly for sensitive skin. We'll also introduce unscented versions in the near future. 

While dry skin can be caused by so many unknown factors, you should give some of these remedies a try. You'll have a much better shaving experience with well-hydrated skin.